Unison Keyboard Music Competition 15th August 2012

Participation .. First !! ,   Prize .. Next !!
  Spirit of Unison

                                    Keyboard Music Competition

 Unison Chennai has planned to conduct Keyboard Music competition among youth in   and around Chennai on August 15th , 2012, 3 PM at Ramarishna Matriculation Higher Secondary School,  71 Bazullah Road, T.Nagar, Chennai 600 017


·        Unison Keyboard music school, the premier Institute in Music conducts this competition as one of the talent search programs.

·        Music enhances memory power and cultivates discipline and graciousness.

·         Unison’s motto is ‘No one is failure but Everyone is successful’.

·        Opportunity is given to Unison students to participate and compete with other musicians.

General instructions

·        Competition is either as a individual or as a group for age group between 7-20 yrs

·        Can participate either in group category or individual category.

·        Prizes are for first and second place in each category

·        Entry fee is payable at the competition venue  on the 29th  July  2012 and 5th of August between 10am to 2pm with duly filled in enrollment forms.

Individual category

·        The competition  has been segregated age wise

                               i.            7-10 years

                             ii.            11-14 years

                          iii.            15-18 years

·        Music may be of any genre (namely Indian classical, western classical, film music)

·        Entry fee is Rs 200 per person.

·        Song time limit is 3 minutes. Participants should bring the details of the song while paying the entry fee.

Group category

·        Competition is as a band between  age group from 11 to 20 yrs

·        Entry fee for a band is Rs 200 per person.

·        Performance may be in any genre of music appealing to the audience

·        Time limit is about  10 minutes(including set up time)

·        Each band must comprise of

                               i.            Minimum of 5 members and maximum of 7.

                               ii.            Must necessarily have a vocalist.

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